Probably like many of you, I have been following this revival in the news. It began on February 8th, and there wasn’t much attention about it when it first began, but it has grown to the point where it is all over the internet, the national media is covering it and people from all over the world, including Russia, South Africa, Australia and Korea, have been traveling to Wilmore, Kentucky to observe it and be a part of it.
Those who are there, especially the students, are describing it as an authentic outpouring of the Holy Spirit. What started as a routine chapel service talking about the love of God has turned into an ongoing revival of students and young people being filled with the Spirit
Some might be hesitant to buy into this being a genuine move of God. First, it happened at a Christian college where there is also a Christian seminary. Some would say its Christians just creating some hype or just thinking “God” is doing something. Others might say it would be far more impressive if this type of thing happened at a secular college.
Second, some might say, I’ve seen, heard about, or even attended services or gatherings where people fell down, rolled around, cried and did other things, but it just ended up being either faked or just an emotional experience that God didn’t really initiate. Some aren’t willing to be faked out anymore by emotional human experiences. And I get that. In fact, that was my first reaction when this came on my radar. Below is what I would say to all of us who don’t want to be duped or disappointed, but yet are really wanting to see a genuine move of God in our world and even in our own lives.
Most of us haven’t actually experienced this personally. We are hearing about it through social media, the national media or second hand at best. So I think we need to keep an open mind. The reports I have read and the interviews I have heard with some of the students there are telling us that this just organically happened and that there isn’t any pretense, show or manipulation to what has happened. There doesn’t appear to be anybody who masterminded this for their own gain.
The other thing that people who have attended this say is unique is that it is less emotional and more peaceful than other rallies or revivals. The worship is more gentle and there is more prayer, reflection and healing going on in a quieter way. One student said that what is most evident is the humility that has spread through the gathering that includes worship leaders, speakers and students. If this is true, this would be really God! One of the key marks of God really being present and a fruit of His presence in people’s lives is humility. I think what turns so many people away from the church and gatherings such as this in the past is the lack of humility and the utter arrogance and pride that is often voiced and demonstrated by those who think they “have figured out God” and are above others. This is not how Jesus talked or acted. I for one, am remaining open to see what comes of this revival.
Living in our day can make the most positive skeptical. If you have been around the church for a while, you may also be skeptical because of the false and fake things you’ve experienced, the scandals, the power-grabbing and abuse, all in the “name of God.” Is this a genuine revival from God? I can’t tell you that for sure. However, I am optimist based on what I have heard and seen. But I also don’t want to be sucked into something that is not genuine. But I don’t want to miss what could be genuine just to protect myself from being disappointed.
So here is what I would say to all of us. Jesus told a story about seeds being sown on four different types of soil. Only one of the four soils actually grew what was planted and produced a harvest. His point was this is how human souls are. Many people hear the words of Jesus, but only some allow it to penetrate their hearts and change their lives.
Billy Graham used to say of the thousands that attended his crusades, only about 10% came forward to receive Christ on any given night, and only a small percentage of those actually followed through in giving their lives to Christ and living for Him. My point here is, let’s not judge the thousands that have been affected by this Asbury Revival. Let’s watch and see the long-term effects it may or may not have on those who have attended as well the church and perhaps our nation. It will take time to see what type of soil the seeds of revival have fallen upon.
While we can’t imitate, duplicate or force revival to come, what this Asbury Revival does show us is, God still moves and He moves when He wants to. Paul reminds us that we only see and know a small bit of who God is and how He works. There have been way too many people who are quick to say how God must operate and way too many saying “I have a word from the Lord for everyone” that don’t work out. Most of the time this is done in arrogance, ignorance or looking to draw attention to themselves.
On the other hand, the refreshing aspect of this revival is that it wasn’t a creation of men and women, but rather God. It started with students coming together for a chapel service as usual, but they allowed God to take over and do something they hadn’t planned or expected. It’s like what the early church talked about in Acts 2 where they said about God, “Everyone was filled with awe…” We can plan church services and various aspects of our lives, but what this shows us is, if we are open, and stay humble and remember God is God and we aren’t, we give Him space to do amazing things. I’m not suggesting revival will just start happening everywhere or in every church service, but if we are open to allowing God to work in our lives, in our churches, in our communities, this is an example of what might just happen. In fact, this might just be the beginning of something bigger God wants to do in our world.
Finally, we know from all data that the church in America has become stagnant, complacent and predictable. It no longer has the impact nor influence it once did. Even church-goers have lost hope that the church or God makes much of a difference anymore. But what this revival might signal is its time for Christians to find renewal. Much like people who renew their wedding vows or recommit to something important in their lives, which in turn refocuses them and reenergizes their passion and commitment, revival can do the same for our spiritual lives. While the revival in the headlines is about students and Gen Z at Asbury University, revival can also come to our lives! God is still alive. God still loves us. And God still looks to move our hearts to become one with His. Allow revival to come!