Our Beliefs
We believe the God who has created the heavens and the earth reveals Himself to us today in many ways; yet there is a mystery about God which we, as human beings, cannot fully comprehend.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and is both fully God and fully human. He is the incarnation of God Himself.
We believe the Holy Spirit is also God, and He is a gift to those who live their lives for Jesus. He indwells those who live their lives for Jesus and endows them with gifts for service in the church and in the world. We believe that all gifts of the Spirit found in the bible are operative today.
We believe that the Bible is God’s word to us – that it is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correcting and training in the right way to live so that those who follow Jesus may be completely equipped to do good works in their world.
We believe that all human beings are free to follow God and His will for their lives. They are also free not to follow Him. God does not force Himself upon people.
We believe God, through Jesus Christ, forgives the sins of those who follow Him and consider them his sons and daughters. Through the Holy Spirit He empowers His children to become followers of Jesus and live their lives according to His teachings.
We believe the church is a community of God’s people in action – gathering, worshipping, serving and connecting people in the world to Jesus, not a place or building.
We believe that it is God’s plan to bring healing and wholeness to all of His creation. It is His will that people will be made whole in body, mind and spirit.
We believe that God is pursuing a personal relationship with every person on earth because he deeply loves them. As a person lives out this loving relationship with God, he or she becomes more whole in mind, body and spirit. As a person deepens their relationship with God, we believe the Spirit will direct them to become more like Jesus and bless other people with God’s love and grace.
We believe that the God who has revealed Himself to us in Jesus Christ is the one true God who loves all people. He died for the world, and defeated both sin and Satan. He will one day come back to reign as King and set up his Kingdom for all of eternity.